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Now available for all MNOs and MVNOs worldwide

Drive the best customer experience through our revolutionary Entitlements-as-a-Service®, which gets you up and running within weeks, and all at little cost! 

Our Partners

What is it?

Entitlements-as-a-Service (EaaS)

EaaS enables MNOs and MVNOs to seamless provisioning and on-going management of services on both iOS and Android devices. With EaaS, all of these challenges are solved:

why entitlements?
Key Benefits

Entitlements-as-a-Service® (EaaS®)

With EaaS®, carriers lead the industry with superior digital experiences, staying ahead of the competition. Without EaaS®, carriers risk losing their competitive edge by failing to deliver premier customer experiences.


Increased Average Revenue per User

Ensure the effortless integration of new services with seamless entitlements.


Accelerated Go-To-Market

Ensure the effortless integration of new services to keep devices up-to-date.


Companion Devices

Attract more subscribers by providing support for all companion devices.


Enhanced Customer Experience

Stay ahead of competition by simplifying the activation process for all of your customers devices.


Reduced Cost

Deploy APIs with our cloud-based, self- onboarding solutions.


Increased VoWiFi and VoLTE Adoption

Offer the fastest system for managing next-generation services.

How it works

Step 1

Step 1: Sign up

Register for FREE with your business information to open an account.

Step 2

Step 2: Implement

Integrate your OSS/BSS. Implement and test the required APIs at zero cost.

Step 3

Step 3: Launch!

Certify your integration, beta test with live devices, then go live!


Supports iOS and Android OS

NetLync’s solution supports all the entitlement use cases you need; including Baseline, Phone Number Registration, VoLTE, VoWiFi, Wearables and eSIM Transfer. We ensure that use cases are always up to date as they are released by the OEMs.

Supported Entitlement Features:


Supports iOS and Android at Once

Works seamlessly with all SM-DP+ vendors
iOS specific use cases
Android specific use cases
We ensure that use cases are always up to date as they are released by the OEM

A Product designed for all carriers

Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

OEM partner carriers

You have a partnership agreement with one or more Device OEMs, but you don't yet have an Entitlement Server (ES). Or you are in search of a more efficient solution to your current one.

V OEM agreement
X Entitlement server


Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

Carriers with Entitlements

You're struggling to get the latest features added to your existing solution. For example, eSIM Quick Transfer or Apple Watch.

V OEM agreement
V Entitlement server


Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

Non-OEM partner carriers

Without an OEM partner agreement, you're struggling to provide your customers with the same user experience as your competitor OEM partner carriers.

X OEM agreement
X Entitlement server

A product designed for all carriers

OEM partner carriers

OEM agreement
Entitlement server

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Carriers with Entitlements

OEM agreement
Entitlement server

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Non-OEM partner carriers

OEM agreement
Entitlement server

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Five Reasons NetLync is Different


Ready for New Use Cases

NetLync’s EaaS® was built with extensibility at its heart. 

As new use cases are introduced by the OEMs, they automatically appear on the Developer Portal, so that your developers can immediately start implementing.

Entitlements have proven successful in enhancing customer experiences, prompting OEMs to expand their use cases for new services and devices. Apple’s recent addition of eSIM Quick Transfer is a prime example of this.

Traditional ES solutions face challenges in accommodating new use cases due to significant time and cost investments required for each project setup.

EaaS® resolves this by integrating use case extensibility into the core platform. When new use cases arise, we seamlessly incorporate them, eliminating additional costs or actions required from carrier customers. Furthermore, we optimise APIs for maximum reusability, streamlining the launch of new use cases.

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Fast Deployment

Our Platform as a Service (PaaS) approach makes it as fast and as easy as possible for carriers to get up and running.

Most customers launch Entitlements within 4-6 weeks.

We've achieved this by revolutionising the traditional deployment approach with a streamlined Entitlements-as-a-Service® (EaaS®) model.

Our cloud-based ES platform is already operational, catering to many carriers globally. This significantly cuts down carrier onboarding time and complexity, meaning rapid service deployment. 

Our Early Access carriers have typically launched Entitlements in as little as 4 weeks using just 3 in-house developers.

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Self-service, Developer-led

Our self-service, developer-led approach to Entitlements empowers your developers to start onboarding immediately, working at their own pace. 

Our onboarding process was specifically designed by developers for developers.

We’ve introduced a very important evolution to Entitlements:

This transformation in Entitlements has been inspired by the success stories of industry leaders like Stripe, Twilio, and Atlassian. These companies have thrived on a self-service, developer-led model in the digital realm, and we've emulated this approach within the telecom sector.

Your developers can initiate the Entitlements journey by registering for a free account on our Developer Portal, where they can select from a range of available use cases. They'll have access to comprehensive documentation, practical examples, and clear instructions for integrating APIs into your OSS/BSS stack.

Our Developer Portal automates API implementation testing, simplifying the process of error identification.

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Scalability, Security and Privacy

Running on AWS (Amazon Web Services), EaaS® takes care of the scalability, security, and privacy you need to have the perfect Entitlements solution.

Whether you have 100 or 100 million devices, we are ready for your network and device traffic. 

You’ll want to be confident that any capability you purchase is able to manage all customer device traffic as you grow without any problems.

A cloud-hosted service on AWS intrinsically provides high availability and performance, plus built in Geo-redundancy and Disaster Recovery.

Running on AWS enables us to effortlessly scale services to meet the needs of carriers of all sizes worldwide. Our commitment extends to rigorous compliance with global regulatory standards, including GDPR, the UK's Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021, and more.

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Success-Based Pricing, Zero Transaction Commitment

You commit commercially only when satisfied with our solution.

No Capex, No hidden costs. No Transaction Commitments. A brand-new approach to the way Entitlement Server is billed.

Adopting a PaaS-based approach to Entitlements already reduces the costs of providing service dramatically.

Taking it a step further, we've implemented a success-based pricing model, offering a simple monthly fee for baseline services, together with a small transaction fee where an event takes places that adds value to one of your customers. For example, transferring a customer’s eSIM during a device upgrade.

No transaction commitments or contractual terms are imposed on the service. we’ve made it as easy and economical as it can be for any carrier to get set up with Entitlements.

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2 Minute Video

Why You Should Sign Up

Getting started is a click, getting deployed is just a few more. Watch the video to understand more.


2 min

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We are here to help

NetLync supports both iOS and Android (GSMA TS.43) in our All-in-One Entitlements Solution with only one Single Integration Point, what does that mean?

This means you only have to integrate once into your OSS/BSS in order to provide Entitlements to all your customers regardless of whether they are using iOS or Android devices.

Moreover, carriers have the flexibility to begin with iOS and seamlessly incorporate Android support later, or vice versa.

What Android use cases can carriers find on the Developer Portal?
Feature Registration, VoLTE, WiFi-Calling, 5G, Advanced Roaming, eSIM Transfer, SIM-to-eSIM Upgrade, and Watch and Wearables Activation.
Importantly, Android and iOS use cases are fully aligned, meaning each use case on the portal is available for both iOS and Android users. 
How do carriers get access to future iOS and Android use cases with Entitlements-as-a-Service® (EaaS®)?

Entitlements are regarded by OEMs as essential for delivering a high quality user experience, serving as a cornerstone for future product roadmaps.

One of the notable benefits of EaaS® is that new use cases are automatically made available as soon as they are introduced by the OEMs. Carriers are able to start integrating new use cases at that time, thereby staying ahead in offering enhanced cellular features to their customers.
NetLync claims that integration can be achieved in as little as 4 weeks, how is this possible?

We have taken a developer-led, self-onboarding approach to Entitlements, as seen on companies like Stripe, Twilio and Atlassian.

This removes all the complexities usually associated with capability integrations and provides a fast and painless journey that closely matches what carriers already have in place.

NetLync's comprehensive documentation is geared to make the onboarding process easy and help the carrier complete a reliable implementation that performs well once launched. 

How does EaaS® ensure a high level of security for carriers and their customers?
Netlync built the platform from the ground up as a multi-tenant EaaS® platform with security as its prime cornerstone, including full ISO/IEC 27001 certification.
Additionally, through periodic testing by independent security specialists, we ensure industry best practice is applied throughout our platform.
Do carriers need an OEM partner agreement for Entitlements?

There's no longer any requirement for the carrier to have an OEM partner agreement in order to deploy Entitlements. This means all MNOs and MVNOs worldwide can provide the same level of user experience as OEM partner carriers. 

Is it true that EaaS® allows carriers to deploy new use cases, for example eSIM Quick Transfer, without affecting their existing Entitlement solution?

Absolutely! Many carriers in the world are struggling to get the latest features added to their existing solutions, including eSIM Quick Transfer and Apple Watch. However, through work with Apple, we've solved this challenge! NetLync's Multi-Entitlements Support allows you to operate EaaS® alongside your existing Entitlement Server, so you can deploy all the latest use cases in a fast, easy, and cost-effective way, without disrupting your current operations.